Friday 3 October 2014


GCSE Media Studies Call Sheet for Psychological Thriller

Shoot date: 21/10/14

Location: 34 Beaconsfield Road, Claygate, Surrey KT10 0PW

Camera equipment:


Lighting equipment:


Harriet Mobile:  07*********                                          Email Address:

Eleanor Mobile:  07********                                           Email Address:                

Amber Mobile: 07********                                             Email Address:




Wardrobe Person 1:



Wardrobe person 2:



Today in class I used a useful interactive online research tool called scoop it to research thriller codes and conventions. This means I can search online and find related thriller posts, scoop it usefully suggests posts daily.





-ERICA 12 tired eyes, messy hair, pale - sits up in psychiatric hospital and voiceover begins which is a conversation between her parents and a doctor about her mental health. In the conversation the doctor states that she should not yet be released but her parents disagree and request her release.

The opening credits will begin with a cross cut to an old oak desk with green leather which is brightly light with a desk lamp. The desk had early release forms and medical papers scattered across the desk. There will be close ups of the forms and papers whilst the credits are shown in the corner. The desk light will turn off to a black screen and the title of the film will appear.

The shot reopens to the main character's bedroom with her reading on her bed and her parents saying goodnight to her. When her parents leave the room the main girl gets out of bed, puts a pillow under her duvet to mascaraed as a body, pockets a weapon (wire rope) and climbs out the window.

Shot cuts to a young girl FAITH, 9, with her hair tied back, innocent face, small, being physically bullied by two older girls, HANNAH AND CHLOE, 13, tall, hair down, heavy makeup. Main girl sees this as she lurks through the streets at night and has a flashback to when she was younger and was bullied herself. This triggers her to creep up and attack the girls (no shots of actual attack) but a shot of the young girl's reaction to this (shaking and shocked) then runs away.

cross cut back to the girl climbing back through her bedroom window and sneaking back to the bathroom to get rid of the evidence of the murders.