Section A Institutions: QI and THE IT CROWD
You should be prepared to analyse and discuss the following, as appropriate to the channels/stations and texts studied:
Institutional contexts:
• The media channels‘/stations’ brand identities
QI is broadcasted on two stations, BBC 2 and Dave. BBC 2 broadcasts the shows on Thursdays at 10pm and on Fridays at 11pm. Both these times are after watershed which means they can contain explicit content. BBC 2 premiers all new episodes of QI and Dave shows repeats of all seasons of QI. the showing times of QI varies on Dave from 8pm - 3am and 10-11pm slots.
• The media channels’/stations’ ethos and histories (only relevant if they affect programmes)
BBC's ethos is to 'inform, educate and entertain' QI supports the ethos of the show because QI updates the viewer on interesting news as well as educating the viewer on subjects they may not have otherwise known about and also manages to entertain the the viewer with witty jokes and banter. Dave's slogan is 'the home of witty banter' QI fits under the channel's aim because of it's humour.
• Regulatory (eg Public Service Broadcasting) requirements
• The media channels’/stations’ target audiences.
Dave's target audience is males aged 15-45 and BBC 2 aims for a broader audience and family audience unlike Dave.
Institutional contexts need only be discussed insofar as they illuminate the institutions’ choice of texts; they should not be studied independently of The IT Crowd and QI.66